Managing Nematodes in Vineyards
Selected References
1. Emmett, R.W., A.R. Harris, R.H. Taylor, and J.K. McGechan. 1992. Grape Diseases and Vineyard Protection. In: Viticulture, Volume 2: Practices (B.G. Coombe and P.R. Dry, eds.) Adelaide, Australia: Winetitles.
2. Jackson, Ronald S. 2008. Wine Science: Principles and Applications. Burlington, Massachusetts: Academic Press.
3. Fiola, Joseph A. 2010. Pre-Plant Renovation and Soil Conditioning For New Vineyard and Small Fruit Plantings. University of Maryland, University of Maryland Extension: College Park, Maryland. Publication.
4. Flaherty, Donald L., L. Peter Christensen, W. Thomas Lanini, James J. Marois, Phil A. Phillips, and Lloyd T. Wilson, eds. 1992. Grape Pest Management. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Oakland, California.
5. Pscheidt, Jay W., Walter Mahaffee, Robert R. Martin, and John N. Pinkerton. 2003. Management of Diseases. In: Oregon Viticulture (Edward W. Hellman, ed.) Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press.
6. Stamp, James. 2011. Nematodes and Viticulture. Wine Business Monthly, March Issue.
7. Vanstone, Vivien and Niel Lantzke. 2006. Nematodes in Western Australia Vineyards. Government of Western Australia, Department of Agriculture Western Australia: South Perth, Australia. Bulletin 4667.
8. Walsh, Douglas. 2010. Insects of Grapes. In: Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington. Washington State University, Washington State University Extension: Pullman, Washington. EB0762.
9. White, Robert. E. 2003. Soils for Fine Wines. New York, New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
10. White, Robert. E. 2009. Understanding Vineyard Soils. New York, New York: Oxford University
Press Inc.
11. Winkler, A.J., J.A. Cook, W.M. Kliewer, and L.A. Lider. 1974. General Viticulture. 2nd ed.
Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
12. Wolf, Tony K. and John D. Boyer. 2003. Vineyard Site Selection. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension: Blacksburg, Virginia. Publication #463-020.
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