Managing Vineyard Diseases
Selected References
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2. Bordelon, Bruce, Mike Ellis and Celeste Welty, eds. 2012. Midwest Small Fruit & Grape Spray Guide. Ohio State University. Ohio State University Extension. OSU Bulletin 861.
3. Creasap, Jodi E. and Thomas J. Burr. 2006. Grape Crown Gall. Cornell University, Cornell University Extension, New York State Integrated Pest Management Program: Ithaca, New York.
4. Creasy, G.L. and L.L. Creasy. 2009. Grapes - Crop Production Science in Horticulture. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: CABI.
5. Dami, Imed, Bruce Bordelon, David C. Ferree, Maurus Brown, Michael A. Ellis, Roger N. Williams, and Douglas Doohan. 2005. Midwest Grape Production Guide. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University, Ohio State Extension. Bulletin 919.
6. Daane, K.M. and M.J. Costello. 1998. Can Cover Crops Reduce Leafhoppers on Grapes? California Agriculture 52 (5).
7. Dufor, Rex. 2006. Grapes: Organic Production. Butte, Montana: The NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project.
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10. Ellis, Michael A. 2008. Powdery Mildew of Grape. Ohio State University. Ohio State University Extension. HYG-3018-08.
11. Ellis, Michael A. and Omer Erincik. 2008. Anthracnose of Grape. Ohio State University. Ohio State University Extension. HYG-3208-08.
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16. Grove, Gary and Naidu Rayapati. 2010. Diseases of Grapes. In: Pest Management Guide for Grapes
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17. Grove, Gary G. and Mark E. Nelson. 2011. New Fungicides for Grapevine Powdery Mildew Management
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21. Hartman, John and Paul Bachi. 2005. Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot and Eutypa Dieback Diseases of
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25. Moulton, G.A. and J. King. 2005. Growing Wine Grapes in Maritime Western Washington.
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28. Oliver, Jonathan E. and Marc F. Fuchs. 2011. Fanleaf Degeneration/decline Disease of Grapevines.
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33. Rombough, Ron J. 2002. The Grape Grower: A Guide to Organic Viticulture. White River Jct.,
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34. Skelton, Stephen. 2007. Viticulture - An Introduction to Commercial Grape Growing for Wine
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35. Smart, Richard and Mike Robinson. 1991. Sunlight into Wine: A Handbook for Wine Grape Canopy
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36. Sorkel Kadir, Ned Tisserat, and Robert Bauernfeind. 2004. Commercial Grape Production in
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37. Webb, Craig. 2012. Grapevine Yellows Identification Guide. USDA-APHIS-Plant Protection and
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38. Weigle, Tim and Juliet Carroll (Eds.). 2014. 2014 Production Guide for Organic Grapes. Cornell
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No. 224.
39. Wilcox, Wayne F. 2003. Black Rot. Cornell University, Cornell University Extension, New York
State Integrated Pest Management Program: Ithaca, New York. 102GFSG-D4.
40. Wilcox, Wayne F. 2003. Grape Powdery Mildew. Cornell University, Cornell University Extension,
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41. Wilcox, Wayne F. 2003. Strategies to Control Powdery Mildew. Practical Winery and Vineyard
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42. Wilcox, Wayne F. 2007. Understanding and Controlling Botrytis. Practical Winery and Vineyard
Journal, March/April.
43. Wilcox, Wayne F. and Tony K. Wolf. 2008. Disease Management. In: Wine Grape Production Guide
for Eastern North America (Tony K. Wolf, ed.) Ithaca, New York: Natural Resource, Agriculture,
and Engineering Service (NRAES), Cooperative Extension.
44. Wolf, Tony K. 2008a. Grapevine Yellows Risk Assessment and Management Strategies. Presented at
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45. Wolf, Tony K. 2008b. Wine Grape and Rootstock Varieties. In: Wine Grape Production Guide for
Eastern North America (Tony K. Wolf, ed.) Ithaca, New York: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and
Engineering Service (NRAES), Cooperative Extension.
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