Wine Grape Growing
EARLY HARVEST. Denotes a wine made from early-harvested grapes, usually lower than average in alcoholic content or sweetness.
ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (EC). Electrical conductivity is a measure commonly used as a fairly reliable indicator of the degree of salinity of a water sample. Units are millimhos/centimeter (mmho/cm) or decisiemens/meter dS/m).
ENOLOGY. The science and study of wine making.
EUTYPA DIEBACK. A fungal disease of the vine.
EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ET). Combined water use by plants and water evaporated from the soil surface in a given time period. ET usually is expressed as inches or millimeters of water per day.
EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM PERCENTAGE (ESP). The percentage of the cation exchange capacity of a soil which is occupied by sodium.